
Saturday, June 4, 2011

All Alumni Picnic - 2nd Event for July 16th

Part of the reason July 16 was chosen for our summer event was to coincide with the all-year picnic. Here are the details for that. Please spread the word to ANY LHN almum you might know. It's also pretty basic, potluck style.

All alumni and families are welcome!
Saturday, July 16 · 11:30am - 3:00pm at Lutheran High North

Join us for an old fashioned Lutheran potluck. Everyone should bring a main dish (casserole, baked beans, bucket o' chicken, etc.). If your last name begins with A-M, bring a salad also. If your last name begins with N-Z, bring a dessert in addition to your main dish. Table service, water, and punch will be provided. Bring other non-alcoholic beverages if you wish to drink something else.

Small donations to offset cost of table service will be accepted.

We are also hoping that the Round Town Funky Bunch will be returning for a repeat performance. They do not charge us, so feel free to fill their guitar cases with money. :)